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what should i do today?

hummm let me think...........................OH! maybe:

1. watch dvds! yuhuuu
2. read books or novels or magazines
3. onlineee! it a must HAHA
4. sleep all day......................hehe :D

uh oh! i remember there are MANY tasks that i haven't done. better if i "nyicil" from now:

1. english mrs.lilis: story telling
2. bindo bu dita: sinopsis novel!!! aaah novelnya aja blm selesai dibaca ganti2 trs -,-
3. fisika mr.sam: let's find what we'll make, Inaz, Karina, Shara!
4. geo/sosiologi/plkj (idk) magazineee or film, guys?
5. many exams, actually 3 but in the SAME DAY huooo

ga jadi leha2 -,- gpp deh sambil ngerjain sambil bermain HEHE :D

Dyah Suci Handayani

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