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what should i do today?

hummm let me think...........................OH! maybe:

1. watch dvds! yuhuuu
2. read books or novels or magazines
3. onlineee! it a must HAHA
4. sleep all day......................hehe :D

uh oh! i remember there are MANY tasks that i haven't done. better if i "nyicil" from now:

1. english mrs.lilis: story telling
2. bindo bu dita: sinopsis novel!!! aaah novelnya aja blm selesai dibaca ganti2 trs -,-
3. fisika mr.sam: let's find what we'll make, Inaz, Karina, Shara!
4. geo/sosiologi/plkj (idk) magazineee or film, guys?
5. many exams, actually 3 but in the SAME DAY huooo

ga jadi leha2 -,- gpp deh sambil ngerjain sambil bermain HEHE :D

Dyah Suci Handayani


i'm skipping school......................................... gara2 kmrn abis ngurus PSB dan kaki superpegel HEHEHE jadi istirahat dulu deh :)


lele jokes

yaaaa sbnrnya inspired by anak e8uDdy, tp sudah berkembang dan jd moodboosterku kalo lg bete, chat sm Adam dan dia lawakannya ginian semua -,-. jd intinya lele jokes ini kyk kata2 yg diubah jd ada lelenya hahaha. humm ini contoh dari lele jokes :D cekidot:

-lele apa yg dingin?
lele masuk kulkas
-lele apa yg panas?
lele goreng
-lele apa yg disukain anak kecil?
-lele apa yg ada dipinggir jalan?
lelepon umum
-lele apa yg disukain ibu2?
-lele apa yg jago silat?
pak Monukatilele (HAHA MAAP PAK)
-lele apa yg sior?
Adhimas Aulele Muhammad
and another lele....................................

oya trs Thira nyadar kalo nama panjang sekretaris osismpk Hastha bisa di"lele"in semua:
-Adinda Olelevia Ryan Sabrina
-Athira Presialele
-Kalelesta Maharani Lelenti
-Annisa Anselelema Aleleda Rusdianto
-Nabilele Shaza

HAHAHAHA now let's find another lele jokes!

p.s : just for fun :) don't take it too seriously

a girl who like to tell the lele jokes,
Dyah Suci Handayani


introducing me :D

hai :D well this is my new blog, my second blog actually mehehe i'm kinda bored with my old blog so i made the new one. my name is Dyah Suci Handayani and you can call me Dyah, but sometimes my friends call me Holy (it means Suci in english -,-) because idk why mehehehe. i'm fourteen and i'm study at Labschool Kebayoran JHS, now on grade 8th. i love my #8 and also Hasthaprawira Satya Mahadhika. i have one brother and one sister, they're Edo and Niken. well if you want to know more about me, just visit my other blog, follow me on twitter, be my friends on facebook and ask me anything on!!! thank you so much for visiting my blog, hope you enjoy it :)

sorry for the bad grammar

Dyah Suci Handayani